New Transcription Software
From February 2024 we are going to use a new transcription software to assist us in record keeping.
This is called Heidi AI and is already widely used in many GP Practices.
Heidi does not store any audio recording but does intelligently transcribe the consultation between GP and patient into note form.
The notes are then copied into the patient record and then deleted.
The benefit of this is to allow the clinician to entirely focus on the patient during the consultation instead of trying to type at the same time and it improves accuracy of the written record. It will save time that would be spent on administrative tasks for patient care.
Data Protection:
Heidi employs robust and strict access controls meaning only clinicians have access to sensitive information. It is GDPR and NHS compliant and the information management systems are ISO27001 accredited for data security. All data is hosted in the UK.
Patients will always be able to opt out if they would rather that this is not used in their consultation. Your clinician will check with you whether you would prefer it was not used.
Extended Access
Dykes Hall offer extended hours appointments through out the week to pre-book both at Dykes Hall Medical Centre and across the Hillsborough PCN network
Extended hour appointments available at Dykes Hall
Every week:
Mondays & Tuesdays 7.00am to 8.00am – Health care assistant appointments available
Thursdays 7.00am to 8.00am – Health care assistant & advanced nurse appointments available
Mondays 6.30pm to 8.00pm – Doctors & Nurse appointments available
1 in 4 weeks:
Fridays 6.30pm to 8.00pm – Telephone appointments available with a doctor
Extended hour appointments available across the Hillsborough PCN
Every week:
Saturdays 9.00am to 1.00pm – Doctors appointments available at one of the 4 sites (Dykes Hall, Tramways, Fairlawns, Far Lane)
Appointment Booking Update from December 2022
Future dated appointments are available to be booked either by phone, online or in person.
On the day appointments can be booked either by phone, online or in person from 8.30 in the morning.
All appointments are now face-to-face
We encourage you to get set up for online access to appointments so that you will be able to make use of this service. This can be done by contacting reception
We recognise that some people will not be able to use this system, but they are able to ask someone else to do so on their behalf, and we will always have the phone lines open in tandem with online booking.
For the safety of yourself and other patients, we ask that you continue to wear a face mask in the waiting room and throughout your time in the building.
Considering Treatment Abroad or Privately in the UK?
If you are considering going abroad or privately in the UK, for either a consultation, operation or treatment, please be aware that we are unable to offer follow up. You will need to organise any follow up you may require with them.
"If you have a new musculoskeletal complaint such as back pain, knee pain or tennis elbow, you can access a range of tailored online physio plans directly from our website. Just click on the link below and start your recovery without delay."
Dykes Hall Medical Centre and Deer Park Surgery uses ZoomPhysio to provide rapid, online treatment for mild musculoskeletal conditions. If you're suffering from aches or pain, you can receive a personalised online physio plan with easy to follow, easy to view exercises, put together for you by our MSK Practitioner Team.
To get started with ZoomPhysio, please click on the link below to start you free physio plan and get your recovery underway.
If you're concerned about your symptoms, please contact us and arrange a call with our Musculoskeletal Practitioner. You can also arrange a call with our Musculoskeletal Practitioner once you have completed an online physio plan and symptoms have not improved.

Open Letter to Sheffield Residents on behalf of CCG
You may have struggled to get in touch with your GP practice recently or had to wait for an appointment.
We understand that this can be frustrating, especially if you are feeling ill. This has sometimes led to the misperception that practices are not seeing many patients.
We want to reassure you that practices are doing all they can to get through to and see as many patients as possible.
NHS Sheffield CCG have written an open letter to all residents to let you know about the challenges facing GP's in Sheffield and what you can do to help us, help you.
Please take a few minutes to read it in full here
Hillsborough Network
Dykes Hall Medical Centre are very excited to announce that we have collaborated with our neighbouring Hillsborough Practices; Far Lane Medical Centre, Tramways Milner and Tramways Bradley, to form the Hillsborough Network.
We will continue to operate as four separate GP practices in the main but will come together when we feel working at scale will benefit our patients. We would like to welcome on board our new in house Physiotherapist and Social Prescriber to the team. We feel these new services will benefit our patients throughout Hillsborough.
For more information please click here
Patient Participation Group (PPG)
Please click on the link below for more information about the PPG at Dykes Hall Medical Centre, and how to join.
Patient Participation Group